3X faster than rolled gauze offers full coverage and higher absorbency for improved bleeding control. Patented port for stabilizing an external shunt or drain post-surgically.
Ready for pilot studies and further testing for ER, post-operative, and first aid use.
For traumatic amputations and chronic wound care. Patented port to accommodate negative pressure drainage systems. For efficient nursing care and/or improved self-care.
Michael Blaivas MD, MBA is Hero's Chief Medical Officer and will explain why we need smarter care for emergencies. Dr. Blaivas, an ER Physician who pioneered Point-of Care ultrasound and other digital diagnostics for emergency care, has seen firsthand the dangerous effects of undetected vital signs changes.
The first bandage with patented dynamic color-coded alerts for temperature, pulse, and oxygen monitoring. Detect infections and patient deterioration sooner.
We demonstrated potential cost-saving to a hospital system by saving minutes for each neurosurgical procedure that requires a dressing in the OR.
And for ER and post-surgical care, 35% of wound care cost is related to nursing time.
We are replacing the way heads have been bandaged since Ancient Egyptian times. The outdated methods of hemorrhage control and wrapping a head are inefficient and simply take too long, therefore delaying other patient needs.