As universal as a traffic light, and a sensor that will support care after traffic accidents.
The Hero Link detects continuous vital signs, communicates with the Hero STAT System, and leverages Machine Learning (ML) to predict hypotension (low systolic blood pressure).
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the leading cause of trauma-related deaths. Clinical evidence shows that low blood pressure (systolic blood pressure under 90mmHg for adults) before arrival at the hospital, and during the ER stay, can double risk of death.
42% of head injury diagnoses are missed in the ER. Currently not all suspected TBI patients are not continuously monitored. And patients spend hours waiting for decisions to be made.
On average, patients with head injury will wait for 6.6 hours regardless of whether their CT scan eventually is normal or abnormal.
CT scans fail to detect dynamic and neuro-sensory changes that can cause life-long debility.
Over 50% of TBI patients suffer from chronic pain. Based on our preliminary data, acute pain is a key biomarker for TBI. By obtaining our image and vital sign bio-signatures, we are creating a precision platform for ongoing data-driven care.
Worn on the forehead/temple, chest, or wrist. Future version will detect brain oxygen.